BACnet är kommunikationsstandarden inom fastighetsautomation. Med BACnet/SC (Secure Connect) lades ett extra nätverksskikt till denna standard. Det finns två huvudorsaker till detta:
Säkerhetskrav och dataskydd Idag, mer än någonsin, är fastighetsautomation föremål för dataskyddskrav. Oavsiktlig eller obehörig åtkomst till de överförda uppgifterna kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för driften av byggnadstekniken.
BACnet/SC levererar lösningen för båda kraven utan att förutse etablerade BACnet-tjänster såsom dataregistrering (trendlogg) och tidsprogram (Scheduler, Calendar) i stationen.
SAUTER har implementerat BACnet/SC i modulo 6 och SAUTER Vision Center. Dessutom har SAUTER utvecklat en BACnet/SC-router. Den kan användas för att ansluta befintliga BACnet/IP-system till BACnet/SC-nätverket. BACnet/SC-routern kan också fungera som ett primärt nav eller en failover-hubb i BACnet/SC-nätverket om ingen sådan hubb finns i nätverket.
Based on the common standards from IT, such as TLS 1.3, BACnet/SC-capable devices and systems from building automation can be integrated into state-of-the-art IT infrastructures. Here BACnet/SC communication runs via a central network component, the BACnet/SC hub. This must be present in each BACnet/SC network. If this hub fails, the function is performed by a reserve hub (failover hub).
Existing encryption systems and specifications within a network are taken over. In this way, the same security mechanisms used in the rest of the network are applied to the building automation.
In the case of connections across multiple networks, another advantage over existing BACnet/IP installations is that the configuration-intensive BBMD mechanisms are no longer necessary. This makes commissioning significantly easier. Also, it is no longer necessary to use VPN tunnels.
BACnet/SC is a new, additional network layer on top of existing layers such as BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP. Thus a BACnet/SC network can also be connected to a BACnet/IP network via a router. The communication remains compliant with the BACnet standard. It also makes it possible to connect existing BACnet systems via a BACnet/SC router. In this case, one has a “new” secure part (BACnet/SC) and an “old” non-secure part (BACnet/IP, BACnet MS/TP).
Instead of one big BACnet/SC network, the load can be optimised by connecting multiple BACnet/SC networks with each other via BACnet/SC routers.
219/8 Duong so 5 Khu pho 3, Binh Hung Hoa Ward Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Tel. +84 (0) 90 2540 929 long.nt(at)tl-controls(dot)com Sauter Building Control International GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 15 DE-79108 Freiburg i. Br. Tel. +49 761 510 54 05 Fax +49 761 510 54 20 ms.sbci(at)de.sauter-bc(dot)com www.sauter-controls.comYou need to load content from reCAPTCHA to submit the form. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.
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